Collection: Disklabs Faraday Bags

Disklabs Faraday Bags

Disklabs Ltd is a digital technology company specializing in digital forensics and secure data services for law enforcement, government agencies, corporates, and the private sector. With years of experience, Disklabs has developed high-quality Faraday Bags, independently tested and manufactured in the UK to ISO9001 standards, earning the "Secured by Design" award.

Who Uses Disklabs Faraday Bags?

  • Police: Securely store and protect evidential digital devices from remote wiping or unauthorized access during forensic analysis.
  • Intelligence Agencies: Prevent tracking, remote bugging, or data breaches in sensitive operations.
  • Military/Counter-Terrorism: Prevent remote IED detonation, secure critical data, and isolate devices during transit.
  • Personal Security: Protect against identity theft, corporate espionage, and relay attacks on car keys or banking cards.

Disklabs Faraday Bags ensure devices remain safe, secure, and free from unwanted external interference.